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Adonai Tabernacle International Incoprated is a church that believes in Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is our Master and Lord . HE is the one we relay on to lead us in everything we do in this ministry. We must first reference GOD (Adonai) to lead and direct us. Jesus is the core center of our believe. The Lord Jesus Christ (YESHUA) is our shepherd and our Savior, through what HE did on the cross of cavalry brough us salvation. Our Vision is getting the people of GOD (Adonai) to soly and fully relay on Jesus and make Him their Master and shepherd of their life.
Sunday Service-Online
11:30 am-1:00 pm
Prayer Line Number
Code: 196112
Weekly Prayer Meeting
Thursdays @10:00 pm
Prayer Request
Call - 267-904-3456
Whats App: Adonai Tabernacle Int
“I am the good Shepherd: the good shepherd
giveth his life for the sheep”
John 10:11

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